Sawyer loves to pretend that he is talking in the phone. Anything can be a phone, his sippy cup a bag of wipes, a remote control but his favorite are these ear phones that he brings to me (a million times a day) to put on him so he can walk around a"talk on the phone"
We were going to throw Sawyer the traditional 1st birthday bash even though I was dreading it! But fortunately Danny's family happened to be in town all at the same time which is rare so we just kind of threw it together at the last minute (thanks Amy). We had so much fun! Sawyer loved seeing his cousins and more then anything eating his Cookie Monster cake! (thanks Pop and Dama Dama) I can't believe how much cake he ate, he just kept shoveling in. The only way we got him away was to say he could take a bath (which he loves almost as much as cake)! Thank you everyone for making it so memerable!
So we got through our first Summer here in Gilbert Az! Hallelujah! Now a days we spend most of our time outside playing with the neighborhood kids. Sawyer is in Soccer and doing great. Finn is in gymnastics and loves it! We have plans to buy a house in the next little bit and are excited to see what the new year brings for our family! We are so blessed and are enjoying life!