So since we never stay at home for Christmas...i am lame and never decorate. Sawyers only wish (so he had an excuse to eat candy) was a gingerbread house so this became our one and only Christmas decoration. As you can see he also requested a spiderweb on the roof...forget the icicles.
Sawyer started a little preschool class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 and he loves it! Miss Alyson is so sweet and she lives right down the street!
NWe went to an Aztec basket ball game to start off the day and had a great time! Then we went up to Justin and Jens and had a second Thanksgiving was delicious thanks Jen! We played games and enjoyed each others company and the best part was Greg's Home made Eggnog! So yummy!!!
It just wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't go to Santa Liljestroms House! It was so fun to see everyone. We did a white elephant gift exchange this year and it was hysterical! The Holidays are so much richer when spent with family!
Christmas Morning at the Cox's... Sawyer is the perfect age for Christmas it is so fun to see how excited he is about Santa Clause and not only getting but giving gifts. I would say his favorite gift was his bike that he got from Grandma Snookie ans Grandpa Greg. Finn loved his big over sized Dogg Stuffed animal he was lovin all over it! Sawyer got me a Little mermaid activity art set and he was so excited to have me open it he could hardly contain himself. Danny got a little something special form a secret Santa too!
So we got through our first Summer here in Gilbert Az! Hallelujah! Now a days we spend most of our time outside playing with the neighborhood kids. Sawyer is in Soccer and doing great. Finn is in gymnastics and loves it! We have plans to buy a house in the next little bit and are excited to see what the new year brings for our family! We are so blessed and are enjoying life!