Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas morning

Christmas was fun with Sawyer, he loved all of his toys but his favorite was the candy cane that he got in his stocking. That is why in all of his pictures he has a blue mouth. Dannys favorite gift was his BJ Penn shirt and a ticket to the UFC fight! Thank you to all who made this Christmas so joyful! We had a great time!

Christmas Eve

We all helped to set up and decorate the tree, hang the stockings and set out cookies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer and last but not least listen to Jared read the story of Jesus' birth.

Fun in the snow

we had a great time in Driggs this Christmas with Dannys family. Sawyer went on his first snow mobil ride, made his first snow angel, and had his first encounter with a horse. He loved it!

Jazz Game

We went to a Jazz game with the family, it was a lot of fun!

Brush thoes teeth

Sawyer has 4 teeth now so we figured it was time to start brushing! He loves it! Every time he sees me brush my teeth he wants to brush his!

Dinosaur museum

Sawyer and I went to the Dinosaur museum with his cousins. We had fun but his favorite part was playing in the sand and eating it! Yuck!